Virtual Communication

Virtual Communication

by Aurora Financial — Posted on September 24, 2018

In today’s society, a lot of communication is handled virtually. Does this affect Adviser communications?


Traditionally, advisers communicated with clients at face-to-face meetings. This remains the main means of communicating with clients as it helps to build a rapport, put clients at ease and have a more comprehensive discussion.


However, email and phone communication is becoming increasingly popular as clients struggle to find time to meet face to face. With busy work schedules and other priorities, it can be convenient to just send a text, email or make a quick call to ask your adviser a question. This fits the adviser into the clients daily schedule without requiring a significant amount of their time, whilst at the same time allowing clients an easy means of communication to get the answers they need.


Nevertheless, face to face meetings remain key in communications between a client and their adviser. Sitting in front of someone and being able to look through documents with their guidance can not only put clients at ease but also help to strengthen their relationship with their adviser.


-Halta Haxhia